Research & Impact
Data-driven decision making to build a better future for queer folks in the Upper Midwst.
PFund is committed to collecting data on if and how our programs are working, using the data to refine approaches as needed, and sharing our findings and best practices with the general public.
2022 - 23 PRISM Fund Pilot Program Progress Report
A brief report detailing the demographics of PRISM grantees and major impacts for the 2022-23 pilot of the program.
Major findings: PRISM grantees have been using their grant funds and capacity-building trainings to offer a variety of queer-focused programming and services across the region.
2023 PRISM Rural Focus Groups Summary Report
As part of PFund’s PRISM program, the foundation conducted several virtual focus groups consisting of queer individuals living in rural communities and small towns in the Upper Midwest. Participants were asked questions regarding barriers to accessing higher education and healthcare services in rural areas.
Major findings: Rural queer individuals report complex and multiple barriers to accessing postsecondary education and healthcare. Discrimination is also a major concern. Participants reported a desire for better guidance on how to navigate complex systems such as postsecondary education and healthcare.
Equity Fund Pilot Phase Progress Report
The Equity Fund was a project launched jointly by PFund and Quorum during the worst days of the 2020 pandemic and following the May 2020 uprising in the Twin Cities following the murder of George Floyd by the Minneapolis police. For its first three years of existence, the Equity Fund provided small business grants to queer entrepreneurs of color in Minneapolis. This report details the major accomplishments of the three-year pilot phase of the project.
Major findings: 100% of 2022-23 Equity Fund grantees surveyed reported that the grants they received supported the reinvigoration of their businesses. All surveyed grantees also reported increased opportunities to connect with other queer entrepreneurs of color due to their participation in Equity Fund activities.