PFund Foundation’s ReVITALization campaign announces second round of grants

PFund Foundation has made a second round of grants to LGBTQ+ serving nonprofits to continue HIV/AIDS related medical care, mental health services, case management, and program for seniors. A total of $50,000 has been granted to three organizations this December, including:

The Aliveness Project, Minneapolis, MN $15,000

The Aliveness Project has resolutely stated its commitment to bridging the gap left by Rainbow Health’s closure, with the goal of ensuring that individuals and families continue to have access to the services they need to maintain their health and stability. This ReVITALization grant will be a partial contribution to Aliveness Project’s meaningful expansion of services to close the gap left by Rainbow Health’s closure, including supporting the State AIDS Hotline, HIV/AIDS Case Management, and Direct Client Assistance. The transition of these duties to Aliveness Project allows vital health services remain accessible and operational, maintaining the support systems vital for our community’s well-being.

Clare Housing, Minneapolis $25,000

Clare Housing is taking on the administration of the emergency financial assistance program for people living with HIV in greater Minnesota, in addition to taking on the housing systems advocacy role that Rainbow Health previously held. This includes coordination of the HIV Housing Coalition, gathering and distribution of HIV housing resources, and statewide technical assistance. This ReVITALization grant will support Clare Housing’s efforts to recruit, onboard, train and equip staff and to provide bridge funding to cover operating costs for the new services while they work to secure other ongoing funding.

Family Tree Clinic, Minneapolis $10,000

This ReVITALization grant will contribute to the Family Tree Clinic’s new expenses as they experience a significant increased demand for MNsure Navigation and Patient Resources directly related to the closure of Rainbow Health. This grant will support Family Tree Clinic’s increase in time and resources dedicated to taking on more enrollments in MNsure, and will also support Family Tree Clinic’s development a comprehensive resource list for former Rainbow Health clients. Family Tree Clinic is supporting both former Rainbow Health clients and former staff, helping them navigate insurance options at this time.

Rainbow Health’s core services have been absorbed by other organizations, including: Reclaim!, Edges Wellness Center, Aliveness Project, Family Tree Clinic, Rural AIDS Action Network, Clare Housing, Family Tree Clinic, and Queermunity Collective. Several GoFundMe fundraisers were held to support the former staff of Rainbow Health as they experienced uncertainty and a loss of health coverage and income. Some of the aforementioned organizations have even offered their services to former Rainbow Health staff. The aftermath of Rainbow Health’s sudden closure has caused ripples throughout the local LGBTQ+ community that will continue to be felt for some time. 

Donations were made to the ReVITALization Campaign by dozens of individuals. The Minneapolis Foundation, Saint Paul and Minnesota Foundation, the F.R. Bigelow Foundation, and the Margaret A. Cargill Foundation Fund of the Minneapolis Foundation made a total of $200,000 in grants to the ReVITALization campaign. Donations can still be made to this campaign here.

A total of $160,000 in grants has been distributed to nonprofit organizations through the ReVITALization campaign so far. More grants will be distributed in the near future and PFund Foundation is working with the organizations that have taken on Rainbow Health services to ensure they’re able to apply for these funds.  In September 2024, PFund Foundation also announced the first round of ReVITALization grants, totaling $110,000, which were distributed to:

The Aliveness Project, Minneapolis, MN: $80,000

RECLAIM, Saint Paul, MN:  $10,000

Rural AIDS Action Network (RAAN), Saint Cloud, MN: $20,000


About PFund: Founded in 1987, PFund Foundation builds equity with LGBTQ+ communities across the upper Midwest by providing grants and scholarships, developing leaders, and inspiring giving. PFund is the only LGBTQ+ community foundation serving the states of Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, and the First Nations therein.



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